
We have the replacements you need!

Our spare part service is available around the clock. We offer spare, wearing and replacement parts not only for your own systems, but for external ones as well.

Our spare part service covers:

  • Free advice and quotations
  • Customized spare part packages (Life Cycle Management)
  • In-house production of spare parts and assemblies (incl. installation and testing)
  • Easy and fast spare part ordering via the AfterSales data portal
  • 24/7 shipping of spare parts (including Express, On-Board)
  • Customs procedures (AEO certified)

AfterSales data portal

You can order your spare parts quickly and easily using our data portal.

If you have any questions about the data portal or would like to receive more information about it, contact us at:


Baumann GmbH 
Oskar-von-Miller-Str. 7  
92224 Amberg

Phone: +49-9621 / 67 54-977

We are at your service all over the world - Baumann worldwide

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This website uses external components such as cards or videos. This information can be used to collect data about your behaviour.
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